Portable Bishop’s Hour

Bishop’s Hour

This page is designed for portable devices to watch the Bishop’s Hour. On your computer you may want to view it for best results on our main page.

13 replies on “Portable Bishop’s Hour”

Hello Bishop:

Your Portable Bishop’s Hour live streamTest is working fine on my computer. Smiles.
I’m excited about being a part of this historical moment in the life of our Annual Conference.
I look forward to this coming Sunday’s live stream, to stay informed an on the cutting edge of ministry, and to hear a fresh Word from the Lord through you.
Praying for you, this upcoming event, and our entire Annual Conference.
Beverly Flowers

It is just great that you are able to use the internet and live streaming as a tool for connecting with the people of the South Georgia Annual Conference. I am looking forward to your message!

Jimmy Outlaw

Bishop King,
Live streaming the Annual Conference is a wonderfully inclusive 21st century idea and I am happy to be a part of this ground breaking and visionary event. I anxiously look forward to hearing your vision for the South Georgia Conference.
May God continue to guide us and bless us, and may his praise be continually in our mouths.
Carla Branscomb/South Columbus UMC


Bishop King, you get 5 stars for your willingness and desire to reach so many people. I’ve always been told, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. You are right, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him/her drink. I’d like to add to that comment, “you can’t make it drink but you sure can give it salt to make it thirsty”. Thanks for spreading salt today. My goal is to spread salt wherever I go so that I can be an instrument in God’s plan for discipleship. May God bless and protect you from the crown of your head, to the soles of your feet. Yolanda Sewell, South Cols. UMC

I am so happy to share in this experience. Preach/Teach Bishop! We’re listening!
Thank you
Pastor Beverly Flowers/ Joycliff UMC

I LOVED the message today. I know I can do MORE! How can we find out more about the laypersons 5-Star Program?

I watched and listened to the Bishops Hour Sunday Night Oct. 13, 2013 and I thoroughly enjoyed the
sermon and the conference message you had. It was very rewarding.
I am a member Of Sasser United Methodist Church Sasser,Ga. Mr. Wesley Kaylor and his Lovely wife
Angie as my pastor. He is truly a man of God and we greatly enjoy his sermons and fellowship each and
every Sunday. .
May God richly Bless you and yours.

Thank God for a 5 star Bishop who knows Jesus Christ.
Yes, Jesus is a mighty good and great leader. After all this Church is Jesus’ Church, He is our chief cornerstone, and the gates of hell will not prevail against His church. We serve a risen Turn Around Savior who connects us with Our heavenly father. When Christ comes into our lives and we begin to abide in Him, as he abides in us, our lives are turned completely around. For we are his church, the church triumpant! Bishop you’re awesome. And many of us certainly appreciate your leadership.

Lead on Bishop, Lead on!
Beverly Flowers/ Joycliff UMC

Bishop, thank you so much for the challenge you set before ever UMC pastor and laity. Not only is it scriptural, but it is practical. My only regret is that when I went into the ministry in 1972, that there was not such a thoughtful and practical plan in place. In the waning years of my ministry, I have a new hope and plan for guiding my church in making disciples for Jesus. Thank you for the courage to be innovative in utilizing 21st century technology – Eric Sizemore

We really like the “Portable Bishop’s Hour”. It allowed use to hear your message without traveling a long distance. There are others which are not able to travel at all. This allows us to hear your message first hand and be a part of the congregation. I hope you will do this again.

Thanks Bishop King for your uplifting words! You have inspired us and challenged us! May we respond by sharing the love of Christ to all His children, both far and near! You are loved and appreciated!
Rick Lanford/Foundation of the MCH

Thanks for making this available, I was unavoidably detained so I was not able to be at one of the locations. The portable video made it so that I could hear this message. Thanks again.

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